Privacy Policy

Last updated: June 15th 2022

Data that is automatically collected

  • is using third-party companies such as Google, in order to display advertisements. These third-party companies will place and read cookies and/or web beacons in order to collect statistics about these advertisements.
  • In order to improve the site, we are using Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting to collect anonymous statistics about visits to the site.
  • You can opt-out of Google Analytics for Display Advertising by using Google Ads Settings (External website)
  • We also log other statistics of anonymous usage data, such as which puzzles are the most popular, which type of browsers and operation systems were used and other anonymous technical data in order to improve the site.
  • For photos and albums uploaded by users - logs the date and time of upload and the IP address of the computer which was used to upload the image. In case something illegal was uploaded (see Terms of use), we may share the information we hold on the user with any interested third parties.

How we handle data that you supply

  • When you register to, we ask you to supply your email address, we use it for purposes such as sending confirmation emails, daily puzzles and self-publishing materials.
  • After registration, you can also supply your display name and other information for your profile, such as your photo, place of living etc., please note that your gallery profile page is accessible to everybody, you DO NOT have to give your real details.
  • We will never give or sell your email address to third-parties.
  • Please contact us if you want us to delete your account or have any questions about privacy

How users can request data deletion

  • You can easily delete your account on your user management page.
  • After you do that, all your private data, user info, puzzles you've solve, will be deleted from our databases forever.

Resources and more information

Google's Advertising privacy FAQ (external website)
NAI's website - About advertising cookies and opt-out (external website)